Metaverse and NFTs Disrupt Advertising Based Business Models
The metaverse is not only a way to expand entertainment into endless new worlds, bringing together individuals from every corner of the world in unique virtual interaction. It is not only a way to facilitate accelerated learning. It also has the potential to grow to an unprecedented level economically for those smartly positioned to reap these rewards. The global augmented reality (AR) market is already very lucrative, valued at approximately $3.33 billion in 2015 and reaching $133.78 billion by the end of 2021.

What's Beyond the Future?
We are very excited for the next events and for what's new in the world of Blockchain.

WNWB S01E10: Poseidon with Laszlo Giricz
On Thursday February 25th at 1AM PST we will have Laszlo Giricz, Founder and Strategy Lead of DAOstack, on our livestream, live on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Linkedin.

WNWB S01E09: DAOstack with Matan Field
On Thursday February 24th at 11AM PST we will have Matan Field, CEO of DAOstack, on our livestream, live on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Linkedin.

How emerging tech will influence freedom, industry, and money in the metaverse
Brad Yasar recently wrote an article on venturebeat.com, where he covers how emerging tech will influence freedom, industry and money in the metaverse.

The Metaverse and the Future of Blockchain
October 28th, 2021 Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook would be rebranding under the umbrella name “Meta.” The ramifications of this rang loudly around the world, from media to finance, as Zuckerberg explained that the prime focus of Meta would be on developing the “Metaverse,” a virtual world–potentially a connection of virtual worlds with the ability to interact with each other.

Into the Metaverse: How AI, the IoT and Digital Twins Accelerate Learning & Creating
Education on every scholastic level, as well as vocational training and industrial product development/creation represent an industry perfectly poised for the technological upgrade of the metaverse. This will be best accomplished primarily through augmented reality (AR), based on enhancing actual scenarios with virtual representations of elements which can be manipulated in a realistic way to facilitate their actual experience by students and technicians.

Why Should We Embrace DeFi as Financial Institutions?
The decentralized finance (DeFi) space has long been occupied primarily by single entities and small companies. For example, crypto investors and small software organizations are some of the primary proponents of decentralized finance worldwide.

10 tech founders set up to change the game in 2022
With 2022 right around the corner, these tech founders are set up to make waves and change games.
These founders are pushing the limits with their innovative creations.

What the PRG Report Will Mean for Stablecoins
As we approach the holidays, looking forward to time with family and friends and some R&R for ourselves, this also seems the season of R&R (Reports and Regulations) for the Crypto space. The latest to appear under the microscope and into the crosshairs is stablecoins.

The FATF report on Virtual Asset Service Providers & Anti-Money Laundering: What This Means for DeFi & the Markets
Paris, France, October 28th, 2021, the FATF (Financial Action Task Force) issued its long-awaited, 111-page report, Updated Guidance for a Risk-Based Approach to Virtual Assets and Virtual Asset Service Providers.

DeFi Is A Frightening Prospect For The Banking Industry, But It Doesn't Have To Be
At its dawn, internet skeptics were overtly critical, highlighting their distaste for the technology. Acclaimed astronomer Clifford Stoll asserted the idea that ‘commerce and business will shift from offices and malls to networks and modems’ was ‘baloney’, and the potential for the internet was nothing more than a hype train traveling too fast for its own good.

How the Play-to-Earn Model will Transform Video Games & More
We recently met with Luis Buenaventura, country manager for the Philippines for Yield Guild Games as part of our “What is New in the World of Blockchain” series. We discussed the concept of Play-to-Earn, a business model now being successfully deployed and growing not just exponentially, but organically for video games and in time, beyond.

Why Bitcoin is Bad for Criminals
With all of the misinformation and paranoia spread over the last six months about Bitcoin and now witnessing its recent increase in price, let’s look at one of the most severe accusations levied against BTC. It’s something of a classic, and the protest heard most from legacy institutions and regulatory agency politicians and those who might not understand Bitcoin and how it works. What you don’t understand can be scary. Until you realize its value, right, Jamie Dimon?

Why are Advisory Companies More Valuable than Ever?
In the ecosystem of businesses, consulting companies occupy an important but delicate position: to balance the interests of their customers with their own. Their product is an amalgam of repeatable components, commodified, as well as value-added services continuously evolving with new scenarios.

David Orban on Amazing Blocks Tokenizing Everything! Podcast
Beyond’s Managing Advisor, David Orban, was recently a guest on the Tokenizing Everything! podcast where he discussed blockchain adoption and Beyond Enterprizes.

How “Green” is Bitcoin?
Elon Musk tweeted on May 12th, “We are concerned about rapidly increasing use of fossil fuels for BTC mining and transactions, especially coal, which has the worst emissions of any fuel.”
Due to his environmental concerns at the time, Musk decided to renege on his highly publicized announcement on March 24th that Tesla would be accepting BTC for payment of vehicles. The founder of Tesla tweeted that Tesla would be adding BTC as a payment method back again as soon as miners transition to using “more sustainable energy.”

Beyond Enterprizes Welcomes David Orban
An aficionado of blockchain technologies and Bitcoin investor since 2010, David Orban was an early adopter of Ethereum at its launch in 2014. He serves on the Faculty of and acts as Advisor to the Singularity University, at the NASA Research Park.

Privacy Coins: Monero, Zcash, PirateChain & BEAM
“Arguing that you don’t care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don’t care about free speech because you have nothing to say.”
~ Edward Snowden

Brad Yasar Named Number 1 Blockchain Influencer to Watch in 2021 by BTC Peers
BTC Peers names Brad Yasar the number 1 blockchain influencer to watch in 2021.
#BTCPeers #DeFi #blockchain #influencer