Into the Metaverse: Challenges in Hardware and Software
Let’s take a look at one of the greatest phenomenons in technology today, the metaverse, and in specific what drives it; its hardware and its software, what is lacking in both today, and how both can be improved to pave the way for a better tomorrow.

WNWB S01E11: Check Your Financial Privilege with Alex Gladstein
On Thursday June 23rd at 1AM PDT we will have Alex Gladstein, Chief Strategy Officer at the Human Rights Foundation, on our livestream, live on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Linkedin.

What's Beyond the Future?
We are very excited for the next events and for what's new in the world of Blockchain.

WNWB S01E10: Poseidon with Laszlo Giricz
On Thursday February 25th at 1AM PST we will have Laszlo Giricz, Founder and Strategy Lead of DAOstack, on our livestream, live on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Linkedin.

How emerging tech will influence freedom, industry, and money in the metaverse
Brad Yasar recently wrote an article on venturebeat.com, where he covers how emerging tech will influence freedom, industry and money in the metaverse.

The Metaverse and the Future of Blockchain
October 28th, 2021 Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook would be rebranding under the umbrella name “Meta.” The ramifications of this rang loudly around the world, from media to finance, as Zuckerberg explained that the prime focus of Meta would be on developing the “Metaverse,” a virtual world–potentially a connection of virtual worlds with the ability to interact with each other.

Into the Metaverse: How AI, the IoT and Digital Twins Accelerate Learning & Creating
Education on every scholastic level, as well as vocational training and industrial product development/creation represent an industry perfectly poised for the technological upgrade of the metaverse. This will be best accomplished primarily through augmented reality (AR), based on enhancing actual scenarios with virtual representations of elements which can be manipulated in a realistic way to facilitate their actual experience by students and technicians.

10 tech founders set up to change the game in 2022
With 2022 right around the corner, these tech founders are set up to make waves and change games.
These founders are pushing the limits with their innovative creations.

What the PRG Report Will Mean for Stablecoins
As we approach the holidays, looking forward to time with family and friends and some R&R for ourselves, this also seems the season of R&R (Reports and Regulations) for the Crypto space. The latest to appear under the microscope and into the crosshairs is stablecoins.

How the Play-to-Earn Model will Transform Video Games & More
We recently met with Luis Buenaventura, country manager for the Philippines for Yield Guild Games as part of our “What is New in the World of Blockchain” series. We discussed the concept of Play-to-Earn, a business model now being successfully deployed and growing not just exponentially, but organically for video games and in time, beyond.

The United States of AI
In 1956, American assistant professor of mathematics, John McCarthy, met with his colleagues to discuss and later coin the term “artificial intelligence.” Soon scientists worldwide were teaching computers to play chess and robotically speak languages. It was just the beginning.

Meta-Trends 2021 & Beyond - Part 3: Full Speed Ahead with Autonomous Vehicles
In our last article on Meta-trends, we explored the Internet of Things (IoT) and the many possibilities of a more interconnected future. Integral to this new life connecting people with smart devices will be new business models that facilitate machine to machine (M2M) communication and micropayments occurring automatically between vendor platforms and other machines.

Meta-Trends 2021 & Beyond: Part 2: Internet of Everything
IoT or the Internet of Things encompasses a high level of connectedness worldwide with the power to help humanity in almost endless ways. According to IHS Markit, consisting of 5,000 analysts, data scientists, financial experts, and specialists, the number of installed IoT devices will grow to 125 billion by 2030.

Meta-Trends 2021 & Beyond: Part I: Augmented Reality & the Spatial Web
What are “Augmented Reality” and the “Spatial Web,” -- and how will they change our lives in the near and distant future? Combined with Augmented Reality, the Spatial Web, also called Web 3.0, will soon connect humans, machines, and AI worldwide in realtime.

The Future of Life, Work & Blockchain
2020 will be the year that changed the way we work forever. From the massive trend to work from home to the downsizing of all formal office space-oriented businesses, people think of work in a whole new way.

What Today’s Financial Uncertainty Means for Cryptocurrency Investors
Here in the Wild West World of blockchain technology and FinTech, we who are genuinely invested - not just literally in tokens, but philosophically in the technology behind it - have quickly learned to keep cool heads and stay agile to be adaptive as the cryptocurrency market swings in manic depressive mayhem.